Diversity and Inclusion

In the VINCI Group all subsidiaries, including VINCI Energies, have adopted a proactive equal opportunity strategy. It aims to combat all forms of discrimination and promote inclusivity by treating everyone equally and without prejudice on the grounds of their sex, ethnicity or disability.

Developing diversity

Our culture is based on bringing together people with different backgrounds and experiences. We are strongly opposed to any form of discrimination in recruitment, at work and through the career progression of our employees. We train our managers accordingly, sharing our standards with our suppliers and subcontractors.

The proportion of women in our workforce is still low at 13% across all business lines, departments and at every level of the company, and 20% in management. We are working to make women more aware of our business lines and encourage them to join us. It is now clear that diversity boosts company performance. For example, two of our employees have been awarded by WIN France.

In line with our aim of increasing the number of women in our business units, managerial teams and leadership bodies, VINCI Energies sees the gender equality index as an opportunity to make progress in diversity both in France and abroad. The VINCI Energies SA holding company received a score of 95 out of 100 points for the 2020 calendar year.

Developing back‑to‑work programmes and qualifications

In 2011 VINCI created ViE, a social enterprise that helps the Group enact professional integration. It enables people struggling to get back into work to engage in consistent professional integration that focuses on work and access to training, taking into account social issues. This approach is set to be rolled out internationally in the medium term, particularly taking into account the economic, local and social context.

With the help of the Fondation VINCI pour la Cité, VINCI Energies and Vitamine T – a major social enterprise player in France – set up TIM, a work integration company specialising in facility management. Their purpose in setting up the social joint venture is to help its beneficiaries back into employment, working as multiservice agents, hospitality officers, etc. Vitamine T will provide all of them with social support and customised professional coaching.

Integrating people with disabilities

The measures we have taken to promote the employment of people with disabilities take three forms: reclassifying incapacitated employees, recruiting people with disabilities and working with companies that mostly employ people with disabilities.

For instance, VINCI’s Trajeo’h association helps French companies not only maintain incapacitated employees in their jobs, but also in their actions to recruit people with disabilities.

VINCI Facilities Entreprise Adaptée strives to offer social and professional support to people living with disabilities and help finding long-term employment.

GIVE ME FIVE: discovery of our jobs by secondary

5 days to discover 5 business sectors at VINCI. That’s the agenda of the Give Me Five week which nearly 200 secondary school students from priority neighbourhoods in Toulouse attended.

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VINCI Energies entreprise adaptée

VINCI Facilities Entreprise Adaptée (VFEA), part of the VEF Nord-Ouest IDF pole, strives to offer social and professional support to people living with disabilities and help finding long-term employment.

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Creation of Tim

TIM is the integration company created by VINCI Facilities and the Vitamine T group, in the facility management business.
The objective of this structure is to offer services while supporting people removed from employment towards sustainable socio-professional integration.

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Encouraging women to work in the nuclear industry

In 2020, VINCI Energies signed up to Women In Nuclear France (WIN France). It is a cross-disciplinary group of the French Nuclear Energy Society (SFEN) formed to promote the reputation of nuclear energy and attract women to the industry.

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